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Mark Greene’s Philosophical Home

Dr. Jenny Paul, my high school biology teacher, told me I should not be a veterinarian. She thought I would be bored and she had a point: It’s a great profession and I miss surgery, but there was an awful lot of brute-force learning. I kept my brain alive by reading philosophy and then, since I went into practice conveniently near Oxford, I took some philosophy classes. That was even more fun than expected, so I took a year off for an MA at the University of Hull: just for giggles. It proved to be more than a year off when the MA progressed to PhDing, initially at Bristol but then across the pond to continue at Stanford. I was lucky enough to get a Greenwall post-doctoral fellowship in medical ethics and policy, and a job in the philosophy department at the University of Delaware, where I am an Associate Professor. Most, though not all, of my research and teaching relates to ethics.

For more on my teaching, see my philosophy classes website – For more on my research, see below.

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